Trail running shoes are shoes designed to facilitate running on trails (dirt roads).
Approach shoes are used by climbers to get to the rock they want to reach.
Both shoes seem to have similar uses, but what is the difference?
Can trail running shoes replace approach shoes? We looked into it.
Can treerunning shoes be used as approach shoes?
Both treerunning shoes and approach shoes are designed for moving on unstable footholds.
I recently went to a rocky area wearing ON’s Cloudventure Waterproof (for trekking) as approach shoes.

When I actually tried using my treerun shoes as approach shoes, I found them to be “usable but not great”.
I could walk on sandy, gravelly paths and wet fallen leaves without any problems, but I slipped quite a bit on wet, rocky terrain.
I almost fell down several times, so I still recommend approach shoes for rocky terrain.
There are other reasons why you should choose approach shoes for rocky terrain.
Why you should choose approach shoes for rocky terrain
If it’s a little rocky, your toes will catch.
Regular approach shoes have a flat area at the end of the shoe.
Thanks to this, a little bit of rock can be climbed in place of climbing shoes.
On the other hand, there are no flat areas on the tips of shoes for trekking, and they are not suitable for approaching steep, rocky terrain.

The shoes are uneven all the way to the tip, so you can step firmly on soft soil, etc., but it is difficult to walk on hard rocky surfaces.
Approach shoes are not slippery on rocky terrain
Approach shoes are made specifically for rocky terrain, so they are much less slippery than treerun shoes or sneakers.
Of course, they are also slip-resistant on ordinary dirt and fallen leaves, making them a good all-around item.
It is better to choose approach shoes for rocky terrain because you will not be able to avoid slipping and injuring yourself before climbing.
Approach shoes can be worn with a crushed heel.
Depending on the type of shoe, most approach shoes are designed so that stepping on the heel does not cause a significant loss of shape.
It makes it easier to put on and take off shoes, which is useful when moving from rock to rock for a short time.
Since treerun shoes are specialized for running, many of them also have a firm heel, and stepping on them may cause them to lose their shape.
If you are choosing shoes for travel to the crag, be sure to choose approach shoes.
Using treerun shoes as approach shoes on rocky terrain can cause you to fall.
Approach shoes are specialized for walking on rocky terrain, so many items are non-slip and easy to walk in.
It is also easy to move between rocks because you can wear them with the heels crushed.
When going to the outer rocks, try to wear approach shoes as much as possible.
On the other hand, treerunning shoes are more fashionable than approach shoes, and there are many items that are fashionable for everyday wear.
Both lightness and friction are better than regular sneakers, so I can highly recommend them as a fashion item.
[on] I bought this time is a Swiss outdoor brand.
If you are in Japan, you can see the actual product at 好日山荘, so if you are interested, you should visit the store.